forest fruit old fashioned

10 款 適合冬天居家調配的

forest fruit old fashioned

我們準備了 10 款終極冬季威士忌雞尾酒配方,全部都非常適合在家調配

When the temperature drops, it doesn’t mean the party has to stop. These 10 winter whisky cocktails offer something for everyone, from whisky beginners to aficionados who love a classic drink.




1.Mulled Mizunara Highball 冬季雞尾酒配方

‘Tis the season of mulled wine and cider – but have you ever thought of using those flavours in a highball? Focusing on classic mulled cider ingredients, the syrup in this easy winter whisky cocktail is ideal for making in advance so that drinks are quick to whip up when friends come by.

mulled mizunara highball

2.Rob Roy 冬季雞尾酒配方

調法簡單,口感豐富,但又不會太過冰涼,是最適合冬天品飲的雞尾酒。經典的 Rob Roy 以攪拌而非搖酒法調製,這樣能控制酒液的溫度和稀釋度,並調配出一杯冰爽怡人的強烈短飲。將 Chivas、甜苦艾酒和苦精酒簡單混合,便調配出為純粹主義者而設的雞尾酒。

rob roy whisky cocktail

3.Hot Toddy 冬季雞尾酒配方

到了舒適宜人的季節。意味著,是時候喝一杯暖意融融的經典 Hot Toddy!老派的冬季溫熱雞尾酒,最適合在寒冷的冬夜品飲。

hot toddy whisky cocktail

4.Family Gathering 冬季雞尾酒配方

經典 Mimosa 的變化版 Family Gathering 是冬季慶祝場合的完美威士忌雞尾酒。將橙汁換成更味道更豐富的乾橙皮酒,增強 Chivas 18 的橙味,而又不至於蓋過威士忌的味道。

family gathering whisky cocktail

5.Penicillin 冬季雞尾酒配方

The fiery trio of ginger juice, peated single malt and blended Scotch whisky makes for the ideal winter whisky cocktail recipe as it’s sure to warm you up from the inside out. Balanced by sweet honey and a touch of lemon, this modern classic is sure to make it into your repertoire.

penicilin whisky cocktail

6.XV Champagne 冬季雞尾酒配方

節日季節最適合品飲香檳雞尾酒。這款經典香檳威士忌雞尾酒加入了我們的慶祝威士忌 Chivas XV,是一款奢華的飲料,讓您隨時舉杯暢飲。

chivas xv shoot gold cassetes and champagne cocktail

7.Mamie Taylor 冬季雞尾酒配方

薑是冬季最佳的取暖材料,但薑不一定要配熱飲。清爽的 Mamie Taylor 主打新鮮的薑汁和薑汁汽水,是一種清爽的冬季雞尾酒配方,即使是威士忌新手亦會喜歡。

mamie taylor whisky cocktail

8.Forest Fruit Old Fashioned 冬季雞尾酒配方

這款冬季威士忌雞尾酒適合經典調酒愛好者。這款傳統 Old Fashioned 的變化版加入了黑莓糖漿,令口感豐富深邃,但又保留了深受世界各地調酒愛好者喜愛的原版配方的經典強烈風味。

forest fruit old fashioned

9.Chivas Sour 冬季雞尾酒配方

酒單必備的經典 Whisky Sour。這款調酒一年四季均適合品飲。質地像奶油,味道酸中帶甜,加上綿密的泡沫,造就永不過時的 Chivas Sour。

whisky sour cocktail recipe

10.Chivas Red Collins 冬季雞尾酒配方


red collins whisky cocktail

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